Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Samuel doing stretching Exercise!

Samuel stretching exercise
Samuel doing stretching exercise during warming up session for school outdoor party and games.

Samuel Enjoying himself in school

Sandra and her new pinky hat
It was during a school party recently. My darling Samuel was enjoying himself during a dance workout at the party. Look at him, so cute!

Sandra and her new pinky hat..

Sandra and her new pinky hat
Finally first pic since dunno when. Sandra and her new pinky hat with brother standing next to her.

Monday, November 19, 2007

3889 visitors

I didn't know that so many people visited my blog. And I seldom check since the counter is found way below at the bottom and I know many people don't know where it is. But, anyway, probably about a thousand came from me (can that actually happen?), still I wanna thank the rest for visiting my blog =). 3889 a good number no? But pls don't buy 4D because it is a waste of money.

When faced with a difficult situation...

As I looked back over my shoulders the past thirty-four years of my life, well let's take away the first six years of my life since I was only a little boy, I realised that character cannot change, and no matter how much cultural brainwashing, schooling indoctrination, religious conversions, pressures to conform to society to friends and family, one's own character cannot change. Like the Chinese proverb that says "A leopard cannot change it spots", so does our character.
Let me explain why based on my personal experience. When I was a child, I was afraid of disappointing others, and I was afraid of being alone. Since young, I am always friendly, fair and understanding. Three things always come to my mind when I face with a difficult situation, i.e. either I can face it, run away from it or be indifferent. Again, my character is one that always told me to look at the problem in the eye, and think why the problem occurred. Most often than not, it has to be somebody's doing that caused the problem. But because of my other character traits to be kind, friendly and understanding, I am reluctant to bring up the problem to that particular person's attention, worried that I might jeopardise our kinship or even friendship.
And I cannot change, as I have been born to be like this, and I am very comfortable with it. So no matter how I face the problem, I am always very considerate about the person's feelings. But if this were to go on, I don't think I can ever solve any problems in my life. But I did, and have always solve problems that came along. So how do I face the problems, I will take over and do it myself and get it done. =)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The truth to life

I was able to find time to think about life. Despite having two noisy kids and a lot of house chores to be done, my mind was overloading itself with several thoughts all at once - the dreams, hopes, ambitions, responsibities, loves, hates, religion and the future. Somehow, after a year of constant mental activity, I couldn't find a way to rest my mind. If it was not thinking of work, it was always thinking of something else.
I thought about life, how those people I respected, cherished and loved would leave me. They have somehow given me reasons to be who I am, a distinctive character I call me. Life as funny as it is, does not come by being alive and living the way I wanted, but its through being part of a larger community that living comes alive. Everytime someone that I know departs from my life, a piece of me left with them. I felt a hollow of sadness created in my mind and my heart.
And most often, when people leave, they seldom keep in touch and I am not sure why. Thus the hollow persists until time somehow fills in the gaps. I have to let time heal my sadness.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Irony of Life...

Every night, when I got home, I would always go to the kitchen for a glass of water. I got thirsty everytime I got home. Must be the water, its kinda sweet and soothing to my throat. But, before I pour out my glass of water, I will always look into my cup. Every day, ants would somehow find their way to my cup, crawl into it and search for the thirst quenching water that was left in the cup. I peered into their little lives, and saw how they struggled to find water, all the way up seven floors seeking that precious H2O to survive. But they died. Yes, they died of exploding stomach or getting drowned in the water after their stomach exploded. Basically, they have no way out but death. As I reflected on their lives, I saw how people's lives could be as sad. Lots of times we slogged away the night getting work done and knowing that in return for our achievements we are promised the gains of material wealth, financial security, food on the table, children happy, but yet not realising that we lost our lives in the process.

At the end of the road, many will find themselves in the same situation as the ants in my cup, struggled so hard to get what we wanted, and when we got them, struggled to get out of it. It's so sad, that many didn't, and couldn't make it out alive.
The moral of the story is, do what is right in life and to be contented. You will never feel that you have enough of anything. Like the ants didn't know that they are taking too much of water until they burst or drowned. It is greed. Do not try and do the right thing, but do what is right. And always remember this - that having too much of anything will knock you out...cold.