Sunday, March 11, 2007

I lost my IR Device..

Dear friends, thank you for your patience and 'pressure' to get me to update my blog. To be honest, I have been super busy over the last few months. Getting on to the internet is a luxury for me and to be able to blog makes heaven. It feels so good to let you know of the latest happening in my life and of my two little sweetie kids. But work just came rushing on me like Tsunami. Thank God I made it to the term break.
I have a lot of pictures taken using my ever handy handphone, but I lost my IR device I used to upload pictures from the phone. Must have been the hectic lifestyle I led that everything just go missing after a while. Sigh, I am going down to the ComDex IT Show at the Expo to buy a new IR device.
Thank you again and I will fill you up with more pics when I return k! Yeay! One WEEK holiday is here!

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